Choosing a guardian for your children is an important reason to create a will. If you have yet to create this document, you are one of many parents who have not named a guardian for their children. According to a survey produced by, approximately 6 out of...
Uniquely Qualified Estate Planning And Probate Attorneys
Marital property and your estate plan
Your marriage gives you the opportunity to share a lot of things with someone you love including assets accumulated as a couple. Discussing the fate of these shared benefits can play a major role in the determining structure of your estate plan in Texas. As your life...
What should you prioritize when reviewing your estate plan?
Reviewing your estate plan feels like an enormous task, especially if it has many components. This may seem even more daunting if you review your estate plan as often as experts suggest, which is every three or so years. But fortunately, there is a way to make it...
Will your estate require Texas probate?
When planning your estate you may have concerns about your descendants facing probate. While this process of settling your estate can be costly and time-consuming, you can take steps to ease the burden with your estate plan. Review the factors that determine whether...
Planning for the potential of estate
One of the more important aspects of the estate planning process is for those engaged in it taking advantage of those opportunities available to preserve assets for their beneficiaries in Texas. Yet many people may resign themselves to the notion that they cannot...
How can you discuss your estate plan with family?
Creating your estate plan is one big task down. But managing your estate takes up even more time. On top of that, how do you let your family and loved ones know about the plan? You may not even want to tell them at first. But letting your family in on the details of...
What are prominent traits of good executors?
When crafting an estate plan, you must start with a strong foundation. This means taking your time to select an executor that meets your needs. To ensure you have all the time you need to look, you should work on estate planning far in advance. When focusing on...
What are top estate planning considerations for new parents?
If you include estate planning as part of the baby preparation process, you are one step ahead of others. More than half of individuals with children die without a will or estate plan. When this occurs, their assets become subject to the laws of intestate, which means...
What happens if a family member dies without a will in Texas?
When a Texas resident dies without a will, state laws govern the division of that person's estate property. A family member starts the process by filing a petition for probate with the clerk in the county where the person lives. Review the factors that govern the...
How can families benefit from an irrevocable trust?
There are two basic types of trusts, a revocable trust and an irrevocable trust. Many people choose to set up a revocable trust since they retain a lot of control. They can change who serves as trustee, alter the terms of the trust and even abolish the trust...