You have options in deciding who takes care of your children in the event of a sudden and unexpected death. If your spouse dies tragically along with you, the state of Texas may appoint a guardian over your children if no other plans or arrangements exist. Courts...
Uniquely Qualified Estate Planning And Probate Attorneys
Estate planning
Prince’s estate administration faces new dispute
Many people in Austin may fall into the trap of thinking that estate planning is something that they only need to concern themselves with as they approach their elder years. While it is true that, in general, younger people have lower mortality rates, no one...
Do you have these items on your will’s advanced directive?
While not the most joyful of topics to think about for estate planning, you must decide what type of end-of-life care you want if you cannot voice your desires. No matter how young or old you are, you do not know when tragedy may befall you and leave you...
New marriage? Time for a new estate plan
When you are able to find love again after a prior divorce or after the loss of a spouse to death, you have many reasons to feel hopeful about your future. If you and your new partner are discussing formalizing your relationship by getting married, you may be wise to...
The benefits of estate planning after remarriage
Divorcing in Texas leaves many couples with children from multiple marriages. Without even a basic will, a person’s wishes for the division of their assets may not happen. An estate plan can help a spouse provide for their second spouse while leaving something behind...
Understanding property ownership in a common law state
As a common law state, Texas does not require couples to have a legal piece of paper to have a marriage. However, this can pose problems when a couple no longer wants to be together. A common law marriage is still subject to community property statutes, which can make...
Why do you need an estate plan?
Especially if you are young, you may not have considered creating an estate plan. However, creating an estate plan—whether that plan is a straightforward will or uses other tools to create a more comprehensive set of guidelines for your estate—can benefit you at any...