Marriage is one of the biggest decisions you will make. As you prepare to spend the result of your life with your partner, you may also want to take steps to protect your interests if the relationship does not last. With the many misconceptions people have about...
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Prenuptial Agreements
Protecting assets with a prenuptial agreement
If marriage is in your near future, you may be considering whether to write up a prenuptial agreement. Depending on your situation, having a prenup may be a good idea. If a couple is entering into a marriage with considerable individual assets, or if one of the...
Understanding Community Property in a Marriage
When it comes to marital property, a couple has many issues to consider. In Texas, a community property jurisdiction, property acquired during the marriage belongs to both parties. This arrangement could have significant implications when a couple maps out its estate...
Why is financial disclosure in a prenup important?
A prenuptial agreement can give you and your spouse peace of mind as you begin your life as a married couple. In the event you decide to end your marriage, your prenup can resolve many financial conflicts before they have a chance to arise. In drafting your agreement,...
Understanding postnuptial agreements in Texas
If you and your spouse recently tied the knot, you might wonder what you can do to protect your assets as you begin to embark on this journey together. A common way newly married couples do this is through postnuptial agreements. Understanding the basics of this...
What can and cannot go into a premarital agreement
When two people get married, each brings his or her property to the relationship. This may take the form of income or earnings, personal property and sometimes real estate. During the marriage, the couple will almost certainly acquire property as well. A premarital...
What are the benefits of prenuptial agreements?
People who watch the trends agree that prenuptial agreements are becoming more common. Couples of all ages and from all walks of life are entering into prenups. As prenuptial agreements become more popular, a portion of the stigma around them has lifted, making it...
Getting married with student loan debt? You may want a prenup.
For many couples, engagement is an exciting time. You are planning a wedding, planning for your future, and planning how you will live together as a household. However, if you are getting married and you or your spouse still has student loan debt, it is important to...